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Situational Officiating

Winnipeg Free Press: Hockey's Governing Body Ignores Growing Problem

January Rule Quiz

January Skills Quiz

What you enjoy about reffing

Fighting in Hockey

Hockey Manitoba Referee Certification Clinics courses

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Current Training Video
Training Video of the Month

The icing has been called. What does the liner making the call do as soon as she stops play?


a. Come to a complete stop behind the net, look around for any altercations.

b. Grab the puck and race to the other end for the next face-off.

c. Forget the puck, go to the next face-off spot. Your lining partner will get the puck.

d. Confirm with the referee that icing was the correct call.

​Answer: a.

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Skill Question of the Week from HTRH: The Quiz Book
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Learning From Each Other...

It is the end of a game using the Three-Official System. The teams have shook hands. One team waits at their bench while the other team leaves the ice. One liner goes with the team leaving the ice while the other liner and referee stand near the TK's box.


The first team has left the ice. The liner who left the ice with the first team is now moving the net for the zamboni driver. The referee and the other liner release the second team to leave the ice through the same end zone gate as the first team. They watch them leave while standing around the center ice face-off circle.


There is a commotion at the gate. All three officials skate really hard to arrive at the gate to find two players fighting just off the ice surface.

-What we Learned-

The main question that needs an answer is "what could the officials do differently to prevent this fight from happening?" The answer is: CREATE PRESENCE UNTIL BOTH TEAMS ARE IN THEIR DRESSING ROOMS.

Here is a break down of what happened:

  1. The liner moving the net made the assumption that once the first team was off the ice then there was no longer a hotspot and no further risk for an incident. So that liner decided to move the net for the zamboni driver to be helpful.

  2. The problem was that one of the players from that first team to leave the ice did not proceed to the dressing room, but instead hung back to take a shot at a player from the other team.

  3. As officials, we need to be paying attention to those teams leaving the ice until both teams are in their dressing rooms. We need to be creating presence with those players until all players are in their dressing rooms.

  4. Therefore, the liner who was moving the net needed to be physically with the first team leaving the ice or (at minimum) watching them leave the ice rather than moving a net. Once that first team was in their dressing room, he can continue to create presence in that general area until the second team is in their dressing room.

  5. Meanwhile, the referee and other liner should not have been half an ice surface away around center ice. They want to be creating presence with the second team leaving the ice surface; skate with the second team to the gate as that team leaves the ice. Watch them go into their dressing room.


Until both teams are in the dressing room, there is always a risk for hotspot to become an altercation. As officials we need to always be creating presence at the hotspots until those hotspots no longer exist.

Do you have a situation or error you witnessed to add to Learning from Eachother? Email a description to to have the error featured in this section

Learning From Eachother
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